Write the following code and study the response.
% uses the MATLAB chop.m function to find simulated machine
% precision for a NDIGITS decimal ( base 10 ) machine.
data = [] ;
for NDIGITS = 2: 20 ;
a = 1.0 ;
while ( chop( (1.+a), NDIGITS ) ~= chop( (1.+a/2.), NDIGITS) )
a = chop( a/2. , NDIGITS) ;
theoret = 0.5*10^(1-NDIGITS) ;
data = [ data ; NDIGITS (1.5)*a theoret ] ;
% Note the use of (semi)logarithmic plots is usually preferable
% for displaying error behavior.
semilogy( data(:,1) , data(:,2) , '*', ...
data(:,1) , data(:,3) ) ;
ylabel('Machine Precision')
title('Dependence of Machine Precision on Machine "Size"');
Write the following code and study the response.
% Determines the accuracy of a computed expression which is potentially
% subject to cancellation errors, using the MATLAB chop.m function.
clear ;
data = [] ;
mu_NDIGITS = 0.5*10^(1-NDIGITS) ;
mu_calc = 50*mu_NDIGITS ;
for n = 1: 30 ;
x = 2^n ;
xsing = chop( x , NDIGITS ) ;
xm1_sing = chop( xsing - 1 , NDIGITS ) ;
xsq_sing = chop( xsing*xsing , NDIGITS) ;
xsqp4_sing = chop( xsq_sing + 4 , NDIGITS ) ;
sroot_sing = chop( sqrt( xsqp4_sing ) , NDIGITS ) ;
fval_sing = chop( sroot_sing - xm1_sing , NDIGITS ) ;
f_double = sqrt( x^2 + 4 ) - ( x - 1 ) ;
rel_err = abs( f_double - fval_sing )/abs(f_double + eps ) + eps ;
data = [ data ; x rel_err f_double fval_sing] ;
xmin = min(data(:,1)) ; xmax = max(data(:,1)) ;
loglog( data(:,1) , data(:,2) , '-.' , ...
[ xmin xmax ] , [ mu_calc mu_calc ] , ':' ) ;
axis( [ xmin 10*xmax 10^(-10) 10^3 ] );
xlabel( 'x' ) ; ylabel( 'Relative Difference') ;
title('Variation of the Accuracy of a Computed Function with x');
semilogx( data(:,1), data(:,3), data(:,1), data(:,4),':');
xlabel('x') ; ylabel('Computed Value of f(x)')
axis([min(data(:,1)), 10*max(data(:,1)),-.25, 2.25])
legend('Double Precision','Single Precision');
title('Effect of Machine Precision on the Accuracy of a Computed Function')