function [A,B]=tpcoeff(X,Y,M) %Input - X is a vector of equally spaced abscisssas in [-pi, pi] % - Y is a vector of ordinates % - M is the degree of the trigomometric polynomial %Output - A is a vector containing the coefficients of cos(jx) % - B is a vector containing the coefficients of sin(jx) N=length(X)-1; max1=fix((N-1)/2); if M>max1 M=max1; end A=zeros(1,M+1); B=zeros(1,M+1); Yends=(Y(1)+Y(N+1))/2; Y(1)=Yends; Y(N+1)=Yends; A(1)=sum(Y); for j=1:M A(j+1)=cos(j*X)*Y'; B(j+1)=sin(j*X)*Y'; end A=2*A/N; B=2*B/N; A(1)=A(1)/2;You are given the function
function z=tp(A,B,x,M) z=A(1); for j=1:M z=z+A(j+1)*cos(j*x)+B(j+1)*sin(j*x); endStudy the following commands:
>>x=-pi:.01:pi >>y=tp(A,B,x,M) >>plot(x,y,X,Y,'o')