The Inverse of a Matrix and Matrix Pathology
- Division by a matrix is not defined but the equivalent is obtained from the inverse of the matrix.
- If the product of two square matrices,
, equals to the identity matrix,
is said to be the inverse of
(and also
is the inverse of
- Matrices do not commute (
) on multiplication but inverses are an exception:
- To find the inverse of matrix
, use an elimination method.
- We augment the
matrix with the identity matrix of the same size and solve. The solution is
. Example;
- Cont.
- We confirm the fact that we have found the inverse by multiplication:
- It is more efficient to use Gaussian elimination. We show only the final triangular matrix; we used pivoting:
- After doing the back-substitutions, we get
- If we have the inverse of a matrix, we can use it to solve a set of equations,
- because multiplying by
gives the answer (
Cem Ozdogan