To obtain the true value for the root , which is needed to compute the actual error. MATLAB is used as:
Comparing Muller's and Fixed-point Iteration methods. (Download,
save with the name muller.m. Then;
save with the name fixedpoint.m. Then;
Plot the behaviours of the errors (may use ratios) for both cases. Compare and discuss the rate of convergence.
save with the name main.m. Then;
>> main
For the rate of convergence: Muller's method converges much faster than fixed-point iteration.
The following MATLAB command plots the function
and the following finds the roots; (What are 1 -3 2?)
>> roots([1 -3 2])
ans =
These are distinct real roots. Apply same procedure for the following functions
comment the outputs. You should observe, repeated real roots, and complex roots.
A pair of equations:
Write a MATLAB program to solve this system by
expanding both functions as a Taylor series expansion (begin with
). See lecture notes.
and by Iteration (begin with ). See lecture notes.
Tabulate the actual error values as the following; (See Table 1. Number of iterations is not limited to or defined as 15.)