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  1. Structures; A set of more variables grouped together for convenient handling.
  2. File Input and Output; Examples on how to read from a file and write to a file.
    • code11.c and code12.c.
    • Analyze the code11.c and the output, do not forget also retrieve the file datafile.
    • Analyze the code12.c and the output, what is stored into file ``output''?
  3. Assignment I; due to March 9-10, 2009 In this assignment, you're to sort a given multi-column unsorted integer file unsorted.txt.
    • The first line of the file contains number of integers and number of columns.
    • According to that information, write a complete C program to sort all the integers in a single-column format(to standart output, or directly to file).
    • Which sorting algorithm?

      Table 1: You should use the following sorting algorithms depending on the last digit of your Student ID.
      Last Digit Algorithm Complexity
      0-1 Bubble sort $ O(n^2)$
      2-3 Heap sort $ O(nlogn)$
      4-5 Insertion sort $ O(n^2)$
      6-7 Merge sort $ O(nlogn)$
      8-9 Quick sort $ O(nlogn)$

      The last column is just given for information, not relevant for your assignment.
    • You will be asked about your code during lab hour for grading.

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Cem Ozdogan 2009-05-11