processes.c Why do we have “End fork test.” twice.
processes1.c PARENT: My parent's PID is 1576. Find out the parent of PARENT by using “ps u” command.
processes2.c Describe the function of sleep(10); system call.
processes3.c Describe the function of wait(&status); system call.
procinterleave.c An example of command line arguments with fork() system call.
exec1.c The exec family of functions replaces the current process image with a new process image. Give the command “man exec” to investigate.
exec2.c execl is used as a child process.
Print the pid and parent pid of each process.
What is the parent pid of the first process?
Print the group id of the processes.
Do they belong to the same group?
Run the program in two different terminal windows.
Do you get same group id in all terminals?