Monday |
Contents |
8:40-10:30 |
CENG425(T)B301/302 |
10:40-12:30 |
12:40-14:30 |
14:40-16:30 |
16:40-18:30 |
CENG425(L) MPLab |
Instructoroffice: Computer Engineering
Department, 329-L |
office:Computer Engineering Department,
316-A |
Watch this space for the latest updates.
Last updated:
The lab notes for the fourteenth week is published, see Course Schedule section.
Device Drivers in Linux – Yaman Çakmakçı
Ext2 file system
Journalling file systems – Alp E. ÖZKUL
Kernel Memory Allocator in Linux – Şenay Büyükarslan
Low Level Synchronization in Linux
MMU – Neslihan Nailli
Micro Kernel – Z. Burak Ata
Monolithic Kernel – Nevrez İmamoğlu
Mounting File Systems in Linux
Operating System and Keyboard – H. Emre Akkuş
Operating System and Mouse
Process Scheduling in Linux – M. Murat Ekici
Page Tables in Linux
Page Replacement Policy in Linux
Reiserfs file system
System Calls in Linux – B. Tuna Hünerli
TLB – Çağatay Bal
Virtual Memory in Linux – Gülistan Özdemir
Virtual File System – Özgür Pekçağlıyan
The lecture notes for the second week is published, see Course Schedule section.
For laboratory studies, the codes in the book and some other codes will be reexamined.
Anyone wants to get turkix-3.0.iso or KNOPPIX_V3.7-2004-12-08-EN.isoor may ask to room 308.
It is aimed to describe the concepts of the system programming by using Linux/Unix operating system.
C programming language will be used
The concepts described in the Operating Systems course will be studied in detail with applications
Students will be familiar with the Unix based operating systems
There is one group for lecturing and one group for lab sessions. The UNIX operating system will be introduced to you first in the lab sessions , later some concepts of the system programming by using Linux/Unix operating system will be studied by C codes and you will be responsible for writing codes, to be graded.
Important announcements will be posted to the Announcements section of this web page above, so please check this page frequently. You are responsible for all such announcements, as well as announcements made in lecture.
Mark Mitchell, Jeffrey Oldham, and Alex Samuel, Advanced Linux Programming, New Riders, 2001.
The web page www.advancedlinuxprogramming.com contains all the information related with the text book.
There will be final exam, will count 50% of your grade.
Attendance is required and constitutes part of your course grade; 10%
You are supposed to prepare term report describing the concepts in the context of the course, weighting %40 of your grade.
Attendance is not compulsory, but you are responsible for everything said in class.
I encourage you to ask questions in class. You are supposed to ask questions. Don't guess, ask a question!
You may discuss homework problems with classmates (although it is not to your advantage to do so).
You can use ideas from the literature (with proper citation).
You can use anything from the textbook/notes.
The code you submit must be written completely by you.
The following schedule is tentative; it may be updated later in the semester, so check back here frequently.
Week |
Dates |
Topic |
Lecture Notes Acrobat |
Laboratory Studies |
Lectures |
1 |
February 17, 2006 |
First Meeting |
NA |
NA |
2 |
February 24, 2006 |
3 |
March 3, 2006 |
4 |
March 10, 2006 |
5 |
March 17, 2006 |
6 |
March 24, 2006 |
7 |
March 31, 2006 |
NA |
9 |
April 14, 2006 |
10 |
April 21, 2006 |
11 |
April 28, 2006 |
12 |
May 5, 2006 |
13 |
May 12, 2006 |
14 |
May 19, 2006 |
Programming the User Interface II |
Exams |
Midterm |
Term Project |
Final |
22 May 2006 11:00-13:00 B-306 |