Hands-on-Interpolation and Curve Fitting with MATLAB II

  1. For the given data points;

x & y  \hline
2 & 2.12 \\
4 & 2.24 \\
6 & 2.68 \\
10 & 3.56 \\

    construct the divided-difference table by hand
    run the MATLAB code (http://siber.cankaya.edu.tr/ozdogan/NumericalComputations/mfiles/chapter3/newpoly.m newpoly.m) and compare with your table.
    • interpolate for $ x=8$
    • extrapolate for $ x=11$
    run the MATLAB code (http://siber.cankaya.edu.tr/ozdogan/NumericalComputations/mfiles/chapter3/divDiffTable.m divDiffTable.m)
    • interpolate for $ x=8$
    • extrapolate for $ x=11$
    Hint: Open these m-files with the editor. Then execute the codes according to the first line. Use these outputs to inter/extrapolate (see lecture notes).
  2. The MATLAB procedure for polynomial least-squares is polyfit. Study the following example;

  3. For the given data points;
    T ($ ^\circ C$) R (ohms)
    20.5 765
    32.7 826
    51.0 873
    73.2 942
    95.7 1032

    Plot it (such as plot(x,Y,'o')).
    The graph suggest a linear relationship.

    $\displaystyle y=ax + b

    values for the parameters, $ a$ and $ b$, can be obtained from the plot.
    Write a MATLAB code that calculates each summation;

\sum x_i^2 & \sum x_i & \sum x_iY_i\\
\sum x_i & N & \sum Y_i\\

    All the summations are from $ i= 1$ to $ i= N$.
    Then it is obtained as

a\sum x_i^2+b\sum x_i & =\sum x_iY_i\\
a\sum x_i+bN & =\sum Y_i\\

    Solving these equations simultaneously gives the values for slope and intercept $ a$ and $ b$. Now, we have a function in the form;

    $\displaystyle y=ax + b

    Plot them (such as plot(x,y,x,Y,'o')).

Cem Ozdogan 2011-12-27