A function that is periodic of period and meets certain criteria (see below) can be represented by Eq. 9;
The coefficients can be computed with
(The limits of the integrals can be from to )
If is an even function, only the s will be nonzero. Similarly, if is odd, only the s will be nonzero. If is neither even nor odd, its Fourier series will contain both cosine and sine terms.
Even if is not periodic, it can be represented on just the interval by redefining the function over by reflecting about the -axis or, alternative1y, about the origin. The first creates an even function, the second an odd function. The Fourier series of the redefined function will actually represent a periodic function of period that is defined for .
When is the half-period, the Fourier series of an even function contains only cosine terms and is called a Fourier cosine series. The s can be computed by
The Fourier series of an odd function contain s only sine terms and is called a Fourier sine series. The s can be computed by