An Illustrative Example

Figure 1: An illustrating example: The ladder in the mine.
What is the longest ladder ($L_1+L_2$)? (see the Fig. 1)

L_1=\frac{w_1}{Sin b},L_2=\frac{w_2}{Sin c},
b=\pi-a-c,L=L_1+L_2=\frac{w_1}{sin(\pi-a-c)}+\frac{w_2}{sin c}

The maximum length of the ladder$ \Rightarrow$ ${\frac{dL}{dc}}\rfloor_{c=C}=0$ $ \Rightarrow$ calculus way
MATLAB way is as the following: (see the Fig. 2)
Figure 2: An illustrating example: The ladder in the mine. Solution with MATLAB

Cem Ozdogan 2010-10-09