Research Interests Cem
Ozdo˘gan January 17, 2017
sintering rates of microparticles. Furthermore, different sizes of single-crystal Ag NPs to find
complete melting and surface premelting points are studied by using a MD simulation ba sed
on the EAM. Our model can predict both complete melting and surface premelting points
for a wider size range of NPs. Melting kinetics showed three different trends. (utilized
package: developed by us)
• Functionalized graphene by embedded boron clusters The doping of graphene by
embedded boron clusters was studied with DFT as a po ssible way of modifying the intrinsic
properties of graphene (utilized package: VASP). We find that B
clusters embedded
into graphene and graphene nanoribbons are structurally stable a nd locally metalized t he
system. A linear chain of boron clusters forms a metallic “wire” inside the graphene matrix.
Thus, the doping of graphene with the cluster implantation technique mig ht be a viable tech-
nique to locally metalized graphene without destroying its attractive bulk properties. The
stability of edge states and edge magnetism in zigzag edge graphene nanoribbons (ZGNRs)
is also discussed. We point out that magnetic edge states might not exist in real systems.
Even if systems with magnetic edge states could be made, the intrinsic mag netism would
not be stable at room temperature. Charge doping and the presence of edge defects further
destabilize the intrinsic magnetism of such systems. This project is supported by FP6
(RII3-CT-2003-506079 HPC-EUROPA Supervisor) .
• Boron Clusters Boron is a promising material that has ability to build strong and
highly directional bonds with boron itself. As a result, boro n atoms form diverse struc-
tural motifs, ultimately can yield distinct nanostructures, i.e., it can take almost a ny shape.
The electronic and geometric structures, total and binding energies, first and second energy
differences, harmo nic frequencies, p oint symmetries, dipole moments, chemical bondings
and highest occupied molecular orbital-lowest unoccupied molecular orbital(HOMO-LUMO)
gaps, fragmentation channels, io nization energies, and the Coulomb explosion of small neu-
tral, charged and B
(n = 2 − 20) clusters, solid α − B
and γ − B
and α, γ and hydrogen
bonded triangular buckled sheets have been investigated using ab initio quantum chemical
and DFT methods (B3LYP with 6-311++G(d,p) basis set) (utilized packages: Gaussian
& VASP). Within this size range, the planar and quasi-planar (convex) structures have the
lowest energies. The structural transition from 2D to 3D is found at the size of 20. Highly
charged unstable clusters dissociate spontaneously into several neutral or charged fragments,
and large a mo unts of energy are produced, depending on the charg e of the parent cluster.
We argue t hat this mechanism makes boron clusters a clean, safe, and cheap energetic mate-
rial. The structure of the B
fullerene exhibits unusual stability among all noninteracting
free-standing clusters. T his project is supported by T
ITAK ( T BAG 105T084
• Surface Modifications Ion beams are used in a wide range of applications, e.g., cleaning
crystal surfaces, depth profiling the atomic composition a nd chemical analysis of the surface
etc. An Ar
− Ni(100) collision system at 1 keV impact energy was investigated by using
realistic isoenergetic MD simula t ions to understand the mechanism behind the onset of sput-
tering (utilized package: developed by us). To this end, a sequential MD simulation
program is converted into a linear scaling pa r allel code. Several properties such as penetra-
tion depths, angular and energy distributions of the reflected Ar and sputtered Ni atoms,
dissociation time, embedded, scattering, sputtering patterns and geometries of the sputtered
clusters are reported. The calculated sputtering yield is found to be in good agreement with
the available experimental results.
• Carbon Nanotubes (PhD Work) Single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT) are ob-
http://boron.physics.metu.edu.tr/ozdogan 3/5