- Computational statistics is statistics that uses computation, often a lot of computation,
- While statistical computing is computational mathematics.
- Both fields are hybrids, but it seems that
- in computational statistics the emphasis is on the statistics
- in statistical computation the emphasis is on the tools.
- Statistics means numerical descriptions to most people.
- Statistics does not just mean numerical fact, collection or summarization
of the data.
- It also means that the whole body of systematic methods for collecting, summarizing, analyzing and interpreting data, and to make decisions.
- In recent decades, the statistical methods have been successfully used in
- Manufacturing,
- Development of food products,
- Computer software,
- Pharmaceuticals,
- Many other areas,
- Examples: Japanese industrial miracle; High-quality products. Improvement of quality in American industry
- The use of statistical methods involves the gathering of information of scientific data.
- Statistical methods are designed to make scientific judgements in the face of uncertainty and variation.
- Two types of statistics:
- Inferential statistics
- Descriptive statistics
- Inferential statistics are the mathematical procedures hereby we convert information about the sample into intelligent guesses about the population.
- Population. A collection of all elements whose characteristics are being study. By countability, it can be either finite or infinite.
- Sample. A properly selected subset of the population, which is used to gain insight about the population.
- (Simple) Random Sample: A sample drawn in such a way that each element of the population has an equal chance of being selected.
- Parameter. The characteristic(s) or attribute(s) of the population, which is generally unknown. e.g.
(population mean).
- Statistic. The characteristic of the sample, which is a function of the data. It is usually numerical facts. e.g.
(sample mean).
- Example: a manufacturer of computer boards wish to eliminate defects
- 50 computer boards are sampled from the process to collect information.
- Here, the population is all computer boards manufactured over a specific period of time.
- It utilizes sample data to make estimates, decisions, predictions, or other generalizations about larger set of data.
- This is also called inductive reasoning or inductive statistics.
- Deduction - From the general facts to particular cases: Mathematics.
- Induction - From a particular case to a general one: Statistics.
- Descriptive statistics consists of methods for organizing, displaying, and describing data (to convey information) by using tables, graphs, and summary measures.
- Descriptive statistics are just descriptive. They do not involve generalizing beyond the data at hand.
- It utilizes graphical and numerical methods to look for patterns, to summarize, and to present the information in a set of data.
- Descriptive statistics are central to the professional sports and other areas.
- With descriptive statistics, we are simply describing what the data shows.
- With inferential statistics, we are trying to make inferences from our data to more general conditions.
Cem Ozdogan