Usage Statistics for siber

Summary Period: September 2013
Generated 14-Mar-2014 13:10 EET

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for September 2013
Total Hits 3421084
Total Files 3158194
Total Pages 520709
Total Visits 56471
Total KBytes 38626202
Total Unique Sites 38174
Total Unique URLs 24383
Total Unique Referrers 7638
Total Unique Usernames 2
Total Unique User Agents 5891
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 4751 10652
Hits per Day 114036 185883
Files per Day 105273 180467
Pages per Day 17356 26036
Sites per Day 1272 2417
Visits per Day 1882 2396
KBytes per Day 1287540 1890181
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.00% 25
Code 200 - OK 92.32% 3158194
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.37% 12580
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.01% 289
Code 303 - See Other 0.00% 136
Code 304 - Not Modified 5.27% 180233
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 21
Code 401 - Unauthorized 0.00% 83
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.00% 15
Code 404 - Not Found 1.90% 65037
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.02% 662
Code 408 - Request Timeout 0.09% 3097
Code 412 - Precondition Failed 0.00% 1
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 0.00% 7
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.01% 340
Code 503 - Service Unavailable 0.01% 364

Daily usage for September 2013

Daily Statistics for September 2013
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 80685 2.36% 77855 2.47% 9459 1.82% 1602 2.84% 1666 4.36% 603010 1.56%
2 103766 3.03% 98737 3.13% 14636 2.81% 1863 3.30% 2006 5.25% 969780 2.51%
3 126021 3.68% 117235 3.71% 17375 3.34% 2020 3.58% 1962 5.14% 1225331 3.17%
4 113343 3.31% 106728 3.38% 21745 4.18% 1903 3.37% 1813 4.75% 1222517 3.16%
5 130823 3.82% 114040 3.61% 21580 4.14% 1791 3.17% 1732 4.54% 1059299 2.74%
6 111549 3.26% 100233 3.17% 14094 2.71% 1674 2.96% 1605 4.20% 1787651 4.63%
7 111183 3.25% 100443 3.18% 10793 2.07% 1412 2.50% 1358 3.56% 1406870 3.64%
8 125475 3.67% 113852 3.60% 16852 3.24% 1494 2.65% 1546 4.05% 1131075 2.93%
9 144957 4.24% 137126 4.34% 15366 2.95% 1807 3.20% 1918 5.02% 1422796 3.68%
10 124183 3.63% 116816 3.70% 16051 3.08% 2018 3.57% 1912 5.01% 1152701 2.98%
11 185883 5.43% 180467 5.71% 18244 3.50% 2031 3.60% 2089 5.47% 1890181 4.89%
12 137119 4.01% 129340 4.10% 18829 3.62% 1873 3.32% 1969 5.16% 1334421 3.45%
13 111877 3.27% 107754 3.41% 15115 2.90% 1731 3.07% 1748 4.58% 1292816 3.35%
14 144522 4.22% 132434 4.19% 13606 2.61% 1386 2.45% 1466 3.84% 1459906 3.78%
15 93202 2.72% 84876 2.69% 15746 3.02% 1793 3.18% 1709 4.48% 960877 2.49%
16 106460 3.11% 101040 3.20% 16253 3.12% 1993 3.53% 2016 5.28% 1230457 3.19%
17 114610 3.35% 104154 3.30% 16377 3.15% 2104 3.73% 2203 5.77% 1146035 2.97%
18 104971 3.07% 99339 3.15% 17234 3.31% 2013 3.56% 2075 5.44% 1134968 2.94%
19 112798 3.30% 100336 3.18% 17420 3.35% 1954 3.46% 2018 5.29% 1392546 3.61%
20 105381 3.08% 94786 3.00% 16226 3.12% 1806 3.20% 1915 5.02% 1213950 3.14%
21 89341 2.61% 83122 2.63% 13045 2.51% 1608 2.85% 1592 4.17% 856528 2.22%
22 99540 2.91% 90709 2.87% 22043 4.23% 1841 3.26% 1942 5.09% 1119771 2.90%
23 95287 2.79% 89964 2.85% 18174 3.49% 2155 3.82% 2279 5.97% 1218771 3.16%
24 113398 3.31% 99278 3.14% 19416 3.73% 2394 4.24% 2417 6.33% 1688140 4.37%
25 124806 3.65% 114864 3.64% 25061 4.81% 2396 4.24% 2265 5.93% 1848114 4.78%
26 127125 3.72% 110691 3.50% 21811 4.19% 2361 4.18% 2358 6.18% 1449694 3.75%
27 95906 2.80% 84934 2.69% 17998 3.46% 2019 3.58% 2012 5.27% 1384027 3.58%
28 103771 3.03% 96155 3.04% 26036 5.00% 1776 3.14% 1696 4.44% 1307047 3.38%
29 86366 2.52% 80887 2.56% 15479 2.97% 1849 3.27% 2018 5.29% 1286173 3.33%
30 96736 2.83% 89999 2.85% 18645 3.58% 2265 4.01% 2365 6.20% 1430752 3.70%

Hourly usage for September 2013

Hourly Statistics for September 2013
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 4044 121324 3.55% 3731 111932 3.54% 454 13641 2.62% 49236 1477077 3.82%
1 3292 98769 2.89% 3030 90908 2.88% 353 10606 2.04% 30915 927437 2.40%
2 3789 113698 3.32% 3449 103499 3.28% 402 12075 2.32% 36035 1081043 2.80%
3 3876 116291 3.40% 3569 107087 3.39% 503 15095 2.90% 34811 1044343 2.70%
4 4238 127168 3.72% 3936 118089 3.74% 620 18617 3.58% 37488 1124655 2.91%
5 4617 138527 4.05% 4315 129461 4.10% 519 15575 2.99% 39159 1174769 3.04%
6 4876 146302 4.28% 4585 137563 4.36% 581 17435 3.35% 41304 1239128 3.21%
7 5126 153784 4.50% 4831 144936 4.59% 732 21979 4.22% 43993 1319779 3.42%
8 5105 153153 4.48% 4782 143462 4.54% 856 25706 4.94% 46365 1390938 3.60%
9 5238 157162 4.59% 4778 143340 4.54% 958 28740 5.52% 53188 1595642 4.13%
10 5017 150514 4.40% 4670 140108 4.44% 785 23553 4.52% 59810 1794309 4.65%
11 5069 152079 4.45% 4727 141831 4.49% 774 23231 4.46% 93726 2811776 7.28%
12 5540 166214 4.86% 5178 155345 4.92% 1044 31332 6.02% 61872 1856170 4.81%
13 5641 169238 4.95% 5266 158002 5.00% 964 28928 5.56% 70443 2113304 5.47%
14 5369 161073 4.71% 4933 148018 4.69% 869 26081 5.01% 68621 2058640 5.33%
15 5057 151728 4.44% 4599 137991 4.37% 754 22629 4.35% 61885 1856559 4.81%
16 4939 148183 4.33% 4483 134514 4.26% 802 24084 4.63% 60847 1825402 4.73%
17 5092 152760 4.47% 4650 139516 4.42% 844 25320 4.86% 54342 1630270 4.22%
18 4947 148426 4.34% 4521 135633 4.29% 946 28399 5.45% 55907 1677196 4.34%
19 4943 148298 4.33% 4495 134851 4.27% 929 27874 5.35% 60467 1813997 4.70%
20 4840 145208 4.24% 4458 133767 4.24% 810 24308 4.67% 57602 1728054 4.47%
21 4557 136731 4.00% 4182 125460 3.97% 721 21648 4.16% 61158 1834740 4.75%
22 4519 135571 3.96% 4150 124514 3.94% 599 17994 3.46% 55535 1666044 4.31%
23 4296 128883 3.77% 3945 118367 3.75% 528 15859 3.05% 52831 1584929 4.10%

Top 30 of 24383 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2012801 58.84% 16042150 41.53% /boron-ganglia/graph.php
2 281669 8.23% 411620 1.07% /
3 40883 1.20% 130116 0.34% /boron-ganglia/
4 35192 1.03% 2835068 7.34% /favicon.ico
5 35137 1.03% 1573985 4.07% /webalizer/
6 28803 0.84% 22831 0.06% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/ceng328.css
7 11635 0.34% 17942 0.05% /boron-ganglia/pie.php
8 11376 0.33% 4174 0.01% /boron-ganglia/addons/job_monarch/image.php
9 6785 0.20% 375733 0.97% /webalizer/usage_201112.html
10 5901 0.17% 1366 0.00% /boron-ganglia/styles.css
11 5375 0.16% 16452 0.04% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node123.html
12 4705 0.14% 266943 0.69% /webalizer/usage_201109.html
13 4616 0.13% 17407 0.05% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node125.html
14 3707 0.11% 12480 0.03% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node124.html
15 3478 0.10% 176451 0.46% /webalizer/usage_201309.html
16 2590 0.08% 8004 0.02% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node122.html
17 1908 0.06% 7592 0.02% /plugins/editors/jckeditor/typography/typography2.php
18 1785 0.05% 3498 0.01% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node126.html
19 1778 0.05% 1126 0.00% /robots.txt
20 1540 0.05% 2270 0.01% /ozdogan/StatisticalComputations/ceng272/ceng272.css
21 1303 0.04% 3311 0.01% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node87.html
22 1292 0.04% 914 0.00% /ozdogan/GraduateParallelComputing.old/ceng505/ceng505.css
23 1205 0.04% 943 0.00% /ozdogan/SystemsProgramming/ceng425/ceng425.css
24 1178 0.03% 2465 0.01% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node176.html
25 1111 0.03% 5794 0.02% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node1.html
26 1047 0.03% 3181 0.01% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node149.html
27 1032 0.03% 829 0.00% /media/system/css/system.css
28 1031 0.03% 33876 0.09% /t3-assets/js_ef92b.js
29 899 0.03% 686 0.00% /OperatingSystems/spring2004/ceng328/ceng328.css
30 885 0.03% 24745 0.06% /media/system/js/mootools-core.js

Top 10 of 24383 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2012801 58.84% 16042150 41.53% /boron-ganglia/graph.php
2 35192 1.03% 2835068 7.34% /favicon.ico
3 35137 1.03% 1573985 4.07% /webalizer/
4 426 0.01% 776008 2.01% /administrator/
5 59 0.00% 559642 1.45% /files/katalog2013.swf
6 110 0.00% 524016 1.36% /files/MSEKatalog.pdf
7 873 0.03% 471296 1.22% /plugins/system/jat3/jat3/base-themes/default/images/favicon.ico
8 102 0.00% 416530 1.08% /files/MSESunum.pdf
9 281669 8.23% 411620 1.07% /
10 6785 0.20% 375733 0.97% /webalizer/usage_201112.html

Top 10 of 4821 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 281669 8.23% 4291 7.75% /
2 5375 0.16% 3771 6.81% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node123.html
3 4616 0.13% 3072 5.55% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node125.html
4 2590 0.08% 1791 3.23% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node122.html
5 3707 0.11% 1722 3.11% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node124.html
6 3478 0.10% 1283 2.32% /webalizer/usage_201309.html
7 35137 1.03% 1102 1.99% /webalizer/
8 1303 0.04% 1038 1.87% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node87.html
9 1178 0.03% 872 1.58% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node176.html
10 1047 0.03% 780 1.41% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node149.html

Top 10 of 4902 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 281669 8.23% 4115 7.57% /
2 5375 0.16% 3026 5.57% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node123.html
3 4616 0.13% 2681 4.93% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node125.html
4 3707 0.11% 2095 3.85% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node124.html
5 3478 0.10% 1282 2.36% /webalizer/usage_201309.html
6 2590 0.08% 1203 2.21% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node122.html
7 35137 1.03% 1109 2.04% /webalizer/
8 1785 0.05% 1042 1.92% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node126.html
9 1303 0.04% 778 1.43% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node87.html
10 1178 0.03% 735 1.35% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node176.html

Top 30 of 38174 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 613186 17.92% 604571 19.14% 6177137 15.99% 81 0.14%
2 447762 13.09% 442256 14.00% 2298705 5.95% 1 0.00%
3 424578 12.41% 420785 13.32% 8483643 21.96% 339 0.60%
4 314625 9.20% 314616 9.96% 1884801 4.88% 3 0.01%
5 229930 6.72% 229930 7.28% 30538 0.08% 3 0.01% ::1
6 205266 6.00% 78270 2.48% 747938 1.94% 2 0.00%
7 166284 4.86% 163981 5.19% 1139883 2.95% 41 0.07%
8 56158 1.64% 55819 1.77% 421542 1.09% 61 0.11%
9 33340 0.97% 31141 0.99% 206630 0.53% 29 0.05%
10 13144 0.38% 13144 0.42% 72857 0.19% 2 0.00%
11 10413 0.30% 9502 0.30% 78791 0.20% 19 0.03%
12 10307 0.30% 10307 0.33% 57131 0.15% 1 0.00%
13 7579 0.22% 6952 0.22% 70327 0.18% 13 0.02%
14 7420 0.22% 7420 0.23% 240762 0.62% 70 0.12%
15 6132 0.18% 6132 0.19% 33989 0.09% 1 0.00%
16 5738 0.17% 5737 0.18% 315924 0.82% 18 0.03%
17 4607 0.13% 4565 0.14% 34234 0.09% 327 0.58%
18 4370 0.13% 4369 0.14% 189387 0.49% 8 0.01%
19 4019 0.12% 3971 0.13% 24354 0.06% 51 0.09%
20 3322 0.10% 531 0.02% 3656 0.01% 1 0.00%
21 2838 0.08% 2759 0.09% 28684 0.07% 144 0.25%
22 2797 0.08% 0 0.00% 1131 0.00% 3 0.01%
23 2468 0.07% 2468 0.08% 110436 0.29% 39 0.07%
24 2291 0.07% 2048 0.06% 12379 0.03% 2 0.00%
25 2011 0.06% 2011 0.06% 92066 0.24% 4 0.01%
26 1988 0.06% 1700 0.05% 203730 0.53% 255 0.45%
27 1801 0.05% 685 0.02% 24285 0.06% 6 0.01%
28 1740 0.05% 1508 0.05% 210835 0.55% 15 0.03%
29 1612 0.05% 1382 0.04% 235506 0.61% 20 0.04%
30 1563 0.05% 1555 0.05% 14281 0.04% 63 0.11%

Top 10 of 38174 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 424578 12.41% 420785 13.32% 8483643 21.96% 339 0.60%
2 613186 17.92% 604571 19.14% 6177137 15.99% 81 0.14%
3 447762 13.09% 442256 14.00% 2298705 5.95% 1 0.00%
4 314625 9.20% 314616 9.96% 1884801 4.88% 3 0.01%
5 166284 4.86% 163981 5.19% 1139883 2.95% 41 0.07%
6 205266 6.00% 78270 2.48% 747938 1.94% 2 0.00%
7 1187 0.03% 1059 0.03% 615031 1.59% 4 0.01%
8 56158 1.64% 55819 1.77% 421542 1.09% 61 0.11%
9 5738 0.17% 5737 0.18% 315924 0.82% 18 0.03%
10 7420 0.22% 7420 0.23% 240762 0.62% 70 0.12%

Top 30 of 7638 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 2216169 64.78% - (Direct Request)
2 360420 10.54%
3 60232 1.76%
4 52763 1.54%
5 32886 0.96%
6 29566 0.86%
7 28959 0.85%
8 18542 0.54%
9 18113 0.53%
10 15152 0.44%
11 15111 0.44%
12 13222 0.39%
13 11437 0.33%
14 10489 0.31%
15 10307 0.30%
16 9799 0.29%
17 9629 0.28%
18 9435 0.28%
19 8827 0.26%
20 8702 0.25%
21 8186 0.24%
22 7582 0.22%
23 7435 0.22%
24 6867 0.20%
25 6777 0.20% http://siber/boron-ganglia/
26 6277 0.18%
27 6132 0.18%
28 5456 0.16%
29 5277 0.15%
30 5015 0.15%

Top 20 of 4939 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 100 1.10% round robin scheduling
2 81 0.89% fcfs scheduling
3 80 0.88% priority scheduling
4 60 0.66% sjf scheduling
5 59 0.65% round robin scheduling example
6 58 0.64% round robin scheduling algorithm
7 57 0.63% shortest job first scheduling
8 54 0.59% file operations
9 53 0.58% process control block
10 41 0.45% operating system as a resource manager
11 40 0.44% fcfs scheduling algorithm
12 38 0.42% scheduling criteria
13 37 0.41% process creation
14 37 0.41% round robin algorithm
15 35 0.38% free space management
16 34 0.37%
17 33 0.36% multilevel queue scheduling
18 33 0.36% optimal page replacement algorithm
19 31 0.34% address binding
20 31 0.34% dining philosophers problem

Top 2 of 2 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 15 0.00% 1 0.00% - -
2 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 2 0.00% 1 0.00% cankaya

Top 15 of 5891 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 1193893 34.90% Googlebot-Image/1.0
2 567733 16.60% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexImages/3.0; +
3 314623 9.20% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.2+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0 Safari/531.2+ Debian/squeeze (2.30
4 229930 6.72% Apache (internal dummy connection)
5 60586 1.77% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
6 52725 1.54% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1547.66 Safari/537.36
7 42246 1.23% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1547.76 Safari/537.36
8 36525 1.07% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1547.66 Safari/537.36
9 33979 0.99% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:22.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/22.0
10 33836 0.99% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:19.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/19.0
11 29583 0.86% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Media Center PC 4.0)
12 27852 0.81% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1547.76 Safari/537.36
13 26211 0.77% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/5.0; +
14 25207 0.74% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:23.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/23.0
15 22857 0.67% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:23.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/23.0

Usage by Country for September 2013

Top 2 of 2 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 2383317 69.67% 2145415 67.93% 23965400 62.04% Unresolved/Unknown
2 1037767 30.33% 1025359 32.47% 14660802 37.96% Turkey

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23