Usage Statistics for siber

Summary Period: January 2014
Generated 14-Mar-2014 13:16 EET

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for January 2014
Total Hits 3311104
Total Files 3014298
Total Pages 620757
Total Visits 60430
Total KBytes 54470607
Total Unique Sites 41715
Total Unique URLs 24929
Total Unique Referrers 8971
Total Unique Usernames 2
Total Unique User Agents 6083
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 4450 11465
Hits per Day 106809 202263
Files per Day 97235 189747
Pages per Day 20024 30788
Sites per Day 1345 2436
Visits per Day 1949 2821
KBytes per Day 1757116 2802776
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.00% 16
Code 200 - OK 91.04% 3014298
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.87% 28765
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.02% 525
Code 303 - See Other 0.59% 19439
Code 304 - Not Modified 5.72% 189440
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 71
Code 401 - Unauthorized 0.00% 36
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.00% 43
Code 404 - Not Found 1.61% 53361
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.02% 537
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 0.00% 1
Code 408 - Request Timeout 0.12% 4103
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 0.00% 8
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.01% 447
Code 501 - Not Implemented 0.00% 1
Code 502 - Bad Gateway 0.00% 13

Daily usage for January 2014

Daily Statistics for January 2014
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 98356 2.97% 91471 3.03% 17954 2.89% 1345 2.23% 1246 2.99% 1366672 2.51%
2 99555 3.01% 84366 2.80% 18016 2.90% 1725 2.85% 1803 4.32% 1463205 2.69%
3 66212 2.00% 62123 2.06% 14838 2.39% 1753 2.90% 1784 4.28% 1009781 1.85%
4 72174 2.18% 66404 2.20% 15316 2.47% 1667 2.76% 1572 3.77% 1409039 2.59%
5 81639 2.47% 76120 2.53% 15749 2.54% 1795 2.97% 1783 4.27% 1593606 2.93%
6 96945 2.93% 81379 2.70% 18286 2.95% 2227 3.69% 2190 5.25% 1919324 3.52%
7 90058 2.72% 74797 2.48% 19158 3.09% 2699 4.47% 2392 5.73% 2156367 3.96%
8 104098 3.14% 86086 2.86% 21843 3.52% 2821 4.67% 2436 5.84% 2802776 5.15%
9 102582 3.10% 92058 3.05% 20309 3.27% 2477 4.10% 2319 5.56% 2118174 3.89%
10 93896 2.84% 82420 2.73% 18622 3.00% 2342 3.88% 2037 4.88% 2695649 4.95%
11 78650 2.38% 65091 2.16% 15132 2.44% 1890 3.13% 1728 4.14% 1536085 2.82%
12 60071 1.81% 55105 1.83% 12938 2.08% 1651 2.73% 1447 3.47% 1004545 1.84%
13 78046 2.36% 71637 2.38% 18079 2.91% 1978 3.27% 1804 4.32% 1134461 2.08%
14 83782 2.53% 76886 2.55% 18989 3.06% 1812 3.00% 1738 4.17% 1514919 2.78%
15 77433 2.34% 70694 2.35% 17493 2.82% 1813 3.00% 1797 4.31% 1354144 2.49%
16 87312 2.64% 77004 2.55% 16137 2.60% 1866 3.09% 1755 4.21% 1318937 2.42%
17 70814 2.14% 62703 2.08% 16388 2.64% 1907 3.16% 1801 4.32% 1219138 2.24%
18 67886 2.05% 55698 1.85% 14421 2.32% 1529 2.53% 1527 3.66% 1060836 1.95%
19 53021 1.60% 48099 1.60% 15098 2.43% 1735 2.87% 1695 4.06% 964145 1.77%
20 93697 2.83% 80264 2.66% 23036 3.71% 2101 3.48% 2061 4.94% 1475170 2.71%
21 118354 3.57% 111849 3.71% 28932 4.66% 2115 3.50% 2176 5.22% 1840734 3.38%
22 144070 4.35% 137081 4.55% 27854 4.49% 2056 3.40% 2074 4.97% 2112336 3.88%
23 185490 5.60% 174530 5.79% 25952 4.18% 1984 3.28% 1977 4.74% 2473501 4.54%
24 164180 4.96% 157812 5.24% 21914 3.53% 1734 2.87% 1751 4.20% 2090623 3.84%
25 175397 5.30% 170494 5.66% 19758 3.18% 1434 2.37% 1435 3.44% 2311340 4.24%
26 181687 5.49% 171476 5.69% 21912 3.53% 1805 2.99% 1751 4.20% 2439109 4.48%
27 202263 6.11% 189747 6.29% 23730 3.82% 2115 3.50% 2060 4.94% 2698019 4.95%
28 141242 4.27% 128465 4.26% 30788 4.96% 2344 3.88% 2364 5.67% 2091733 3.84%
29 115503 3.49% 105465 3.50% 29435 4.74% 2341 3.87% 2314 5.55% 1861912 3.42%
30 140618 4.25% 133999 4.45% 23335 3.76% 2080 3.44% 2108 5.05% 2110631 3.87%
31 86073 2.60% 72975 2.42% 19345 3.12% 1679 2.78% 1751 4.20% 1323695 2.43%

Hourly usage for January 2014

Hourly Statistics for January 2014
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 3981 123412 3.73% 3681 114119 3.79% 630 19547 3.15% 66318 2055853 3.77%
1 3004 93151 2.81% 2807 87046 2.89% 504 15643 2.52% 48050 1489537 2.73%
2 3320 102949 3.11% 3088 95733 3.18% 552 17132 2.76% 49791 1543515 2.83%
3 3391 105143 3.18% 3113 96514 3.20% 590 18310 2.95% 42797 1326706 2.44%
4 3254 100875 3.05% 3016 93505 3.10% 586 18196 2.93% 42997 1332919 2.45%
5 3459 107240 3.24% 3186 98786 3.28% 651 20182 3.25% 44933 1392926 2.56%
6 3737 115856 3.50% 3456 107146 3.55% 745 23107 3.72% 44693 1385482 2.54%
7 3950 122462 3.70% 3709 115008 3.82% 806 25005 4.03% 46048 1427495 2.62%
8 4174 129396 3.91% 3930 121853 4.04% 861 26701 4.30% 53903 1670998 3.07%
9 4332 134313 4.06% 4047 125483 4.16% 892 27679 4.46% 66234 2053244 3.77%
10 4661 144509 4.36% 4321 133981 4.44% 903 28023 4.51% 75965 2354913 4.32%
11 5009 155294 4.69% 4579 141950 4.71% 1030 31956 5.15% 89193 2764987 5.08%
12 5014 155454 4.69% 4462 138323 4.59% 1073 33265 5.36% 88608 2746850 5.04%
13 4760 147585 4.46% 4274 132519 4.40% 923 28625 4.61% 82013 2542415 4.67%
14 5243 162545 4.91% 4708 145970 4.84% 990 30706 4.95% 90751 2813266 5.16%
15 5382 166854 5.04% 4777 148115 4.91% 1079 33457 5.39% 88745 2751093 5.05%
16 5524 171268 5.17% 4900 151904 5.04% 1077 33414 5.38% 93176 2888469 5.30%
17 5153 159763 4.83% 4579 141949 4.71% 1012 31388 5.06% 88653 2748235 5.05%
18 5049 156527 4.73% 4519 140117 4.65% 932 28903 4.66% 86863 2692748 4.94%
19 5231 162170 4.90% 4698 145668 4.83% 956 29659 4.78% 96754 2999382 5.51%
20 5027 155850 4.71% 4522 140199 4.65% 915 28375 4.57% 94315 2923777 5.37%
21 4826 149632 4.52% 4359 135142 4.48% 855 26519 4.27% 97850 3033348 5.57%
22 4788 148444 4.48% 4339 134514 4.46% 753 23361 3.76% 95016 2945502 5.41%
23 4529 140412 4.24% 4153 128754 4.27% 696 21604 3.48% 83450 2586947 4.75%

Top 30 of 24929 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1631243 49.27% 19168755 35.19% /boron-ganglia/graph.php
2 294734 8.90% 282936 0.52% /
3 116719 3.53% 359743 0.66% /boron-ganglia/
4 36420 1.10% 1728678 3.17% /webalizer/
5 33717 1.02% 2717298 4.99% /favicon.ico
6 26847 0.81% 21202 0.04% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/ceng328.css
7 20356 0.61% 32655 0.06% /boron-ganglia/pie.php
8 19869 0.60% 7818 0.01% /boron-ganglia/addons/job_monarch/image.php
9 12354 0.37% 2872 0.01% /boron-ganglia/styles.css
10 6761 0.20% 411982 0.76% /webalizer/usage_201302.html
11 6657 0.20% 351145 0.64% /webalizer/usage_201401.html
12 5853 0.18% 22186 0.04% /plugins/editors/jckeditor/typography/typography2.php
13 4929 0.15% 288846 0.53% /media/system/js/mootools-more.js
14 4919 0.15% 15302 0.03% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node123.html
15 4919 0.15% 132890 0.24% /media/system/js/mootools-core.js
16 4843 0.15% 8685 0.02% /media/system/js/core.js
17 4741 0.14% 3145 0.01% /media/system/js/caption.js
18 4436 0.13% 18241 0.03% /templates/gratis/css/style1.css
19 4430 0.13% 3169 0.01% /modules/mod_djimageslider/assets/style.css
20 4424 0.13% 13865 0.03% /templates/gratis/css/template.css
21 4388 0.13% 11823 0.02% /templates/gratis/css/layout.css
22 4382 0.13% 13510 0.02% /templates/gratis/css/menus.css
23 4377 0.13% 7768 0.01% /templates/gratis/css/newsitems.css
24 4371 0.13% 8283 0.02% /templates/gratis/css/typo.css
25 4369 0.13% 5938 0.01% /templates/gratis/css/joomla16.css
26 4364 0.13% 7446 0.01% /modules/mod_djimageslider/assets/powertools-1.2.0.js
27 4363 0.13% 29593 0.05% /templates/gratis/src/cufon/cufon-yui.js
28 4358 0.13% 38872 0.07% /templates/gratis/src/cufon/caviar-dreams.js
29 4351 0.13% 10499 0.02% /modules/mod_djimageslider/assets/slider.js
30 4349 0.13% 16060 0.03% /templates/gratis/src/mouseover13.js

Top 10 of 24929 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1631243 49.27% 19168755 35.19% /boron-ganglia/graph.php
2 33717 1.02% 2717298 4.99% /favicon.ico
3 36420 1.10% 1728678 3.17% /webalizer/
4 1035 0.03% 584143 1.07% /mse103/lectures/MSE 103 Course_Periodic Properties of The Elements.pdf
5 1230 0.04% 451717 0.83% /OperatingSystems/spring2004/ceng328.pdf
6 3897 0.12% 437388 0.80% /images/phys/img6.jpeg
7 6761 0.20% 411982 0.76% /webalizer/usage_201302.html
8 116719 3.53% 359743 0.66% /boron-ganglia/
9 6657 0.20% 351145 0.64% /webalizer/usage_201401.html
10 139 0.00% 318458 0.58% /ozdogan/sunum/kng2011.pdf

Top 10 of 3942 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 294734 8.90% 12133 20.60% /
2 4919 0.15% 3209 5.45% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node123.html
3 4312 0.13% 2925 4.97% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node125.html
4 2498 0.08% 1656 2.81% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node122.html
5 3186 0.10% 1484 2.52% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node124.html
6 1255 0.04% 988 1.68% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node87.html
7 116719 3.53% 791 1.34% /boron-ganglia/
8 839 0.03% 604 1.03% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node176.html
9 724 0.02% 544 0.92% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node210.html
10 36420 1.10% 528 0.90% /webalizer/

Top 10 of 4295 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 294734 8.90% 11145 19.36% /
2 4919 0.15% 2675 4.65% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node123.html
3 4312 0.13% 2535 4.40% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node125.html
4 3186 0.10% 1834 3.19% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node124.html
5 2498 0.08% 1123 1.95% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node122.html
6 1608 0.05% 877 1.52% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node126.html
7 116719 3.53% 838 1.46% /boron-ganglia/
8 1255 0.04% 698 1.21% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node87.html
9 36420 1.10% 514 0.89% /webalizer/
10 839 0.03% 490 0.85% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node176.html

Top 30 of 41715 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 758589 22.91% 757154 25.12% 10182395 18.69% 350 0.58%
2 284839 8.60% 284833 9.45% 1665678 3.06% 1 0.00%
3 271515 8.20% 271515 9.01% 36130 0.07% 1 0.00% ::1
4 250991 7.58% 231902 7.69% 3875515 7.11% 497 0.82%
5 209575 6.33% 196449 6.52% 1202654 2.21% 18 0.03%
6 122325 3.69% 45629 1.51% 448423 0.82% 0 0.00%
7 81704 2.47% 76215 2.53% 499726 0.92% 38 0.06%
8 65653 1.98% 60254 2.00% 508028 0.93% 28 0.05%
9 46885 1.42% 39838 1.32% 1396793 2.56% 11 0.02%
10 41528 1.25% 35035 1.16% 817000 1.50% 4 0.01%
11 31871 0.96% 16214 0.54% 1053890 1.93% 327 0.54%
12 24296 0.73% 22881 0.76% 161251 0.30% 5 0.01%
13 24077 0.73% 19575 0.65% 589455 1.08% 48 0.08%
14 15492 0.47% 14597 0.48% 86990 0.16% 2 0.00%
15 11630 0.35% 11628 0.39% 511825 0.94% 82 0.14%
16 6184 0.19% 6184 0.21% 346405 0.64% 5 0.01%
17 5995 0.18% 5667 0.19% 34568 0.06% 4 0.01%
18 5769 0.17% 5769 0.19% 398913 0.73% 17 0.03%
19 5534 0.17% 4905 0.16% 139619 0.26% 28 0.05%
20 3940 0.12% 1702 0.06% 38890 0.07% 42 0.07%
21 3755 0.11% 3755 0.12% 210498 0.39% 84 0.14%
22 3404 0.10% 2756 0.09% 91472 0.17% 6 0.01%
23 3341 0.10% 2730 0.09% 97056 0.18% 7 0.01%
24 3331 0.10% 2741 0.09% 80451 0.15% 14 0.02%
25 3262 0.10% 3121 0.10% 33274 0.06% 257 0.43%
26 3127 0.09% 3127 0.10% 137669 0.25% 27 0.04%
27 2921 0.09% 2755 0.09% 16208 0.03% 2 0.00%
28 2844 0.09% 912 0.03% 32806 0.06% 114 0.19%
29 2599 0.08% 1998 0.07% 156154 0.29% 35 0.06%
30 2098 0.06% 2098 0.07% 145106 0.27% 6 0.01%

Top 10 of 41715 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 758589 22.91% 757154 25.12% 10182395 18.69% 350 0.58%
2 250991 7.58% 231902 7.69% 3875515 7.11% 497 0.82%
3 284839 8.60% 284833 9.45% 1665678 3.06% 1 0.00%
4 46885 1.42% 39838 1.32% 1396793 2.56% 11 0.02%
5 209575 6.33% 196449 6.52% 1202654 2.21% 18 0.03%
6 31871 0.96% 16214 0.54% 1053890 1.93% 327 0.54%
7 41528 1.25% 35035 1.16% 817000 1.50% 4 0.01%
8 24077 0.73% 19575 0.65% 589455 1.08% 48 0.08%
9 11630 0.35% 11628 0.39% 511825 0.94% 82 0.14%
10 65653 1.98% 60254 2.00% 508028 0.93% 28 0.05%

Top 30 of 8971 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 1654954 49.98% - (Direct Request)
2 689283 20.82%
3 83511 2.52%
4 81929 2.47%
5 52761 1.59%
6 49854 1.51%
7 29804 0.90%
8 29387 0.89%
9 27493 0.83%
10 24917 0.75%
11 17253 0.52%
12 15535 0.47%
13 15355 0.46%
14 12186 0.37%
15 10333 0.31%
16 10321 0.31%
17 9338 0.28%
18 8616 0.26%
19 8404 0.25%
20 7667 0.23%
21 7524 0.23%
22 6724 0.20%
23 6070 0.18%
24 6004 0.18%
25 5357 0.16%
26 5230 0.16%
27 4786 0.14%
28 4762 0.14%
29 4669 0.14%
30 4377 0.13%

Top 20 of 3421 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 170 2.78%
2 60 0.98% phys131
3 59 0.96% phys 131
4 57 0.93% round robin scheduling
5 48 0.78% fcfs scheduling
6 46 0.75% process control block
7 39 0.64% priority scheduling
8 32 0.52% shortest job first
9 32 0.52% shortest job first scheduling
10 31 0.51%
11 28 0.46% phys131 cankaya
12 28 0.46% round robin scheduling example
13 27 0.44%
14 27 0.44% sjf scheduling
15 24 0.39%
16 22 0.36% resource allocation graph
17 21 0.34% file operations
18 21 0.34% process creation
19 21 0.34% round robin scheduling algorithm
20 20 0.33% dual mode operation

Top 2 of 2 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 13 0.00% 13 0.00% 3773 0.01% 3 0.00% cankaya
2 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 3 0.00% 1 0.00% - -

Top 15 of 6083 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 712102 21.51% Googlebot-Image/1.0
2 342330 10.34% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexImages/3.0; +
3 284836 8.60% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.2+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0 Safari/531.2+ Debian/squeeze (2.30
4 271515 8.20% Apache (internal dummy connection)
5 162647 4.91% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0
6 152777 4.61% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
7 109786 3.32% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.63 Safari/537.36
8 82738 2.50% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:20.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0
9 64876 1.96% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1700.76 Safari/537.36
10 53600 1.62% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0
11 47129 1.42% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.63 Safari/537.36
12 47125 1.42% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1700.77 Safari/537.36
13 40420 1.22% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0
14 33183 1.00% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1700.76 Safari/537.36
15 32961 1.00% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 7_0_4 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0 Mobile/11B554a S

Usage by Country for January 2014

Top 2 of 2 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 2301524 69.51% 2054007 68.14% 40412697 74.19% Unresolved/Unknown
2 1009580 30.49% 989056 32.81% 14057910 25.81% Turkey

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23