Usage Statistics for siber

Summary Period: July 2014
Generated 02-Aug-2014 01:49 EEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for July 2014
Total Hits 1962238
Total Files 1825528
Total Pages 396471
Total Visits 46255
Total KBytes 31247996
Total Unique Sites 27850
Total Unique URLs 23044
Total Unique Referrers 6344
Total Unique Usernames 1
Total Unique User Agents 5249
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 2637 10947
Hits per Day 63298 132589
Files per Day 58888 128081
Pages per Day 12789 26079
Sites per Day 898 1630
Visits per Day 1492 1857
KBytes per Day 1008000 1490818
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 93.03% 1825528
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.65% 12832
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.02% 364
Code 302 - Found 0.00% 13
Code 303 - See Other 0.15% 2987
Code 304 - Not Modified 3.71% 72889
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 60
Code 401 - Unauthorized 0.00% 58
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.00% 25
Code 404 - Not Found 1.50% 29379
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.04% 869
Code 408 - Request Timeout 0.17% 3398
Code 412 - Precondition Failed 0.00% 8
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 0.00% 1
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.70% 13813
Code 501 - Not Implemented 0.00% 1
Code 502 - Bad Gateway 0.00% 1
Code 503 - Service Unavailable 0.00% 12

Daily usage for July 2014

Daily Statistics for July 2014
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 45002 2.29% 41886 2.29% 10058 2.54% 1663 3.60% 1349 4.84% 1009782 3.23%
2 48093 2.45% 43432 2.38% 9981 2.52% 1553 3.36% 1322 4.75% 727988 2.33%
3 57296 2.92% 50822 2.78% 15384 3.88% 1651 3.57% 1475 5.30% 1203632 3.85%
4 59616 3.04% 54481 2.98% 24696 6.23% 1409 3.05% 1229 4.41% 1090099 3.49%
5 47572 2.42% 44959 2.46% 21654 5.46% 1074 2.32% 969 3.48% 849615 2.72%
6 33511 1.71% 30029 1.64% 8424 2.12% 1125 2.43% 996 3.58% 795044 2.54%
7 51047 2.60% 46436 2.54% 11386 2.87% 1462 3.16% 1451 5.21% 970883 3.11%
8 55102 2.81% 50280 2.75% 10849 2.74% 1479 3.20% 1424 5.11% 1107032 3.54%
9 52602 2.68% 46542 2.55% 11176 2.82% 1467 3.17% 1414 5.08% 984670 3.15%
10 43756 2.23% 38891 2.13% 10291 2.60% 1588 3.43% 1429 5.13% 935459 2.99%
11 35839 1.83% 30824 1.69% 9755 2.46% 1453 3.14% 1356 4.87% 1055531 3.38%
12 112312 5.72% 109089 5.98% 8087 2.04% 1390 3.01% 1152 4.14% 917789 2.94%
13 109753 5.59% 105865 5.80% 8489 2.14% 1330 2.88% 1148 4.12% 1146320 3.67%
14 132589 6.76% 128081 7.02% 12466 3.14% 1748 3.78% 1450 5.21% 1429401 4.57%
15 129781 6.61% 126186 6.91% 11411 2.88% 1651 3.57% 1553 5.58% 1411444 4.52%
16 130862 6.67% 126892 6.95% 10695 2.70% 1771 3.83% 1602 5.75% 1489306 4.77%
17 58194 2.97% 48018 2.63% 17033 4.30% 1508 3.26% 1395 5.01% 1490818 4.77%
18 46400 2.36% 36674 2.01% 21044 5.31% 1396 3.02% 1288 4.62% 963957 3.08%
19 48124 2.45% 42473 2.33% 23698 5.98% 1381 2.99% 1118 4.01% 617555 1.98%
20 29541 1.51% 26522 1.45% 6861 1.73% 1179 2.55% 1029 3.69% 811650 2.60%
21 37978 1.94% 33018 1.81% 9366 2.36% 1641 3.55% 1522 5.46% 975463 3.12%
22 57820 2.95% 55197 3.02% 9891 2.49% 1740 3.76% 1615 5.80% 924866 2.96%
23 130125 6.63% 125901 6.90% 10637 2.68% 1857 4.01% 1630 5.85% 943852 3.02%
24 98978 5.04% 95536 5.23% 9522 2.40% 1792 3.87% 1534 5.51% 789014 2.53%
25 66286 3.38% 62357 3.42% 10228 2.58% 1483 3.21% 1266 4.55% 1148491 3.68%
26 29482 1.50% 27616 1.51% 6521 1.64% 1300 2.81% 1049 3.77% 814773 2.61%
27 42247 2.15% 39997 2.19% 19986 5.04% 1031 2.23% 884 3.17% 750278 2.40%
28 27046 1.38% 24981 1.37% 8229 2.08% 1353 2.93% 1193 4.28% 693057 2.22%
29 29759 1.52% 27192 1.49% 8852 2.23% 1599 3.46% 1296 4.65% 923928 2.96%
30 57735 2.94% 54799 3.00% 26079 6.58% 1722 3.72% 1414 5.08% 1219983 3.90%
31 57790 2.95% 50552 2.77% 13722 3.46% 1729 3.74% 1414 5.08% 1056317 3.38%

Hourly usage for July 2014

Hourly Statistics for July 2014
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 2087 64711 3.30% 1927 59750 3.27% 253 7867 1.98% 32432 1005403 3.22%
1 1861 57714 2.94% 1709 52994 2.90% 311 9649 2.43% 32607 1010821 3.23%
2 1912 59274 3.02% 1818 56388 3.09% 351 10888 2.75% 26345 816698 2.61%
3 2218 68778 3.51% 2094 64939 3.56% 530 16437 4.15% 29711 921050 2.95%
4 1950 60450 3.08% 1846 57231 3.14% 357 11092 2.80% 27236 844324 2.70%
5 1762 54634 2.78% 1648 51092 2.80% 290 8993 2.27% 21971 681086 2.18%
6 1977 61295 3.12% 1807 56047 3.07% 414 12839 3.24% 22129 685988 2.20%
7 2583 80088 4.08% 2370 73486 4.03% 779 24167 6.10% 29319 908893 2.91%
8 2842 88120 4.49% 2709 84001 4.60% 710 22038 5.56% 33082 1025556 3.28%
9 2991 92722 4.73% 2780 86206 4.72% 539 16709 4.21% 43758 1356506 4.34%
10 3026 93817 4.78% 2746 85155 4.66% 531 16462 4.15% 56281 1744709 5.58%
11 3035 94096 4.80% 2823 87522 4.79% 545 16913 4.27% 50856 1576539 5.05%
12 3041 94277 4.80% 2833 87840 4.81% 535 16596 4.19% 51927 1609733 5.15%
13 3188 98848 5.04% 2925 90683 4.97% 683 21198 5.35% 57228 1774080 5.68%
14 3314 102756 5.24% 3058 94822 5.19% 784 24328 6.14% 58822 1823467 5.84%
15 3627 112458 5.73% 3261 101104 5.54% 1016 31526 7.95% 62406 1934586 6.19%
16 3660 113469 5.78% 3367 104399 5.72% 1035 32103 8.10% 59773 1852959 5.93%
17 2847 88268 4.50% 2689 83379 4.57% 624 19357 4.88% 45121 1398756 4.48%
18 2706 83907 4.28% 2555 79221 4.34% 488 15153 3.82% 48399 1500356 4.80%
19 2613 81021 4.13% 2485 77051 4.22% 464 14402 3.63% 42480 1316876 4.21%
20 2485 77049 3.93% 2345 72695 3.98% 440 13654 3.44% 43781 1357218 4.34%
21 2701 83744 4.27% 2518 78067 4.28% 491 15251 3.85% 44368 1375393 4.40%
22 2481 76927 3.92% 2311 71656 3.93% 330 10260 2.59% 42185 1307738 4.19%
23 2381 73815 3.76% 2251 69800 3.82% 277 8589 2.17% 45783 1419261 4.54%

Top 30 of 23044 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 956419 48.74% 10394185 33.26% /boron-ganglia/graph.php
2 222922 11.36% 593912 1.90% /
3 23072 1.18% 1854063 5.93% /favicon.ico
4 19159 0.98% 15092 0.05% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/ceng328.css
5 15717 0.80% 49380 0.16% /boron-ganglia/
6 15350 0.78% 94599 0.30% /administrator/
7 13638 0.70% 774220 2.48% /webalizer/usage_201402.html
8 10218 0.52% 498469 1.60% /webalizer/
9 5080 0.26% 8714 0.03% /boron-ganglia/pie.php
10 5037 0.26% 1145 0.00% /boron-ganglia/styles.css
11 4989 0.25% 2127 0.01% /boron-ganglia/addons/job_monarch/image.php
12 3240 0.17% 9880 0.03% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node123.html
13 2985 0.15% 11329 0.04% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node125.html
14 2588 0.13% 10113 0.03% /plugins/editors/jckeditor/typography/typography2.php
15 2500 0.13% 138503 0.44% /media/system/js/mootools-more.js
16 2473 0.13% 63072 0.20% /media/system/js/mootools-core.js
17 2433 0.12% 4109 0.01% /media/system/js/core.js
18 2327 0.12% 7804 0.02% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node124.html
19 2177 0.11% 1444 0.00% /media/system/js/caption.js
20 2064 0.11% 6397 0.02% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node122.html
21 1333 0.07% 966 0.00% /robots.txt
22 1323 0.07% 75516 0.24% /webalizer/usage_201407.html
23 1302 0.07% 3625 0.01% /media/system/js/modal.js
24 1177 0.06% 1252 0.00% /media/system/css/modal.css
25 1169 0.06% 884 0.00% /media/system/css/system.css
26 1145 0.06% 1199 0.00% /templates/system/css/general.css
27 1144 0.06% 742 0.00% /templates/system/css/system.css
28 1141 0.06% 4387 0.01% /templates/ja_university/css/typo.css
29 1140 0.06% 1449 0.00% /plugins/system/jat3/jat3/base-themes/default/css/addons.css
30 1136 0.06% 9848 0.03% /templates/ja_university/css/k2.css

Top 10 of 23044 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 956419 48.74% 10394185 33.26% /boron-ganglia/graph.php
2 23072 1.18% 1854063 5.93% /favicon.ico
3 13638 0.70% 774220 2.48% /webalizer/usage_201402.html
4 222922 11.36% 593912 1.90% /
5 10218 0.52% 498469 1.60% /webalizer/
6 896 0.05% 453992 1.45% /plugins/system/jat3/jat3/base-themes/default/images/favicon.ico
7 338 0.02% 396004 1.27% /files/MSEKatalog.pdf
8 24 0.00% 205770 0.66% /files/katalog2013.swf
9 309 0.02% 183945 0.59% /OperatingSystems/spring2004/ceng328.pdf
10 138 0.01% 176811 0.57% /NumericalComputations/tutorial/matlab_env.pdf

Top 10 of 5002 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 222922 11.36% 4520 10.06% /
2 3240 0.17% 2145 4.77% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node123.html
3 2985 0.15% 2083 4.64% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node125.html
4 13638 0.70% 2009 4.47% /webalizer/usage_201402.html
5 2064 0.11% 1448 3.22% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node122.html
6 2327 0.12% 1149 2.56% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node124.html
7 15717 0.80% 842 1.87% /boron-ganglia/
8 993 0.05% 769 1.71% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node87.html
9 10218 0.52% 699 1.56% /webalizer/
10 9 0.00% 647 1.44% /INVALID-URL

Top 10 of 5111 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 222922 11.36% 4409 9.91% /
2 13638 0.70% 2008 4.51% /webalizer/usage_201402.html
3 2985 0.15% 1868 4.20% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node125.html
4 3240 0.17% 1780 4.00% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node123.html
5 2327 0.12% 1343 3.02% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node124.html
6 9 0.00% 1341 3.01% /INVALID-URL
7 2064 0.11% 1009 2.27% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node122.html
8 15717 0.80% 824 1.85% /boron-ganglia/
9 10218 0.52% 708 1.59% /webalizer/
10 1074 0.05% 659 1.48% /OperatingSystems/ceng328/node126.html

Top 30 of 27850 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 177529 9.05% 157907 8.65% 9484314 30.35% 335 0.72%
2 134420 6.85% 134420 7.36% 17853 0.06% 7 0.02% ::1
3 93087 4.74% 91919 5.04% 348989 1.12% 134 0.29%
4 92965 4.74% 87507 4.79% 516507 1.65% 85 0.18%
5 92788 4.73% 91596 5.02% 346614 1.11% 131 0.28%
6 92501 4.71% 91272 5.00% 319271 1.02% 125 0.27%
7 76003 3.87% 75087 4.11% 267751 0.86% 62 0.13%
8 75775 3.86% 74808 4.10% 257143 0.82% 45 0.10%
9 75756 3.86% 74801 4.10% 256288 0.82% 52 0.11%
10 64357 3.28% 52839 2.89% 3690152 11.81% 105 0.23%
11 46830 2.39% 43227 2.37% 261992 0.84% 30 0.06%
12 40861 2.08% 28238 1.55% 1351034 4.32% 421 0.91%
13 34171 1.74% 33647 1.84% 131136 0.42% 65 0.14%
14 34144 1.74% 33616 1.84% 126514 0.40% 57 0.12%
15 33819 1.72% 33258 1.82% 136924 0.44% 55 0.12%
16 32542 1.66% 25436 1.39% 1772149 5.67% 264 0.57%
17 30665 1.56% 28495 1.56% 167963 0.54% 21 0.05%
18 26135 1.33% 26077 1.43% 56894 0.18% 11 0.02%
19 26087 1.33% 26023 1.43% 56293 0.18% 14 0.03%
20 25992 1.32% 25928 1.42% 54875 0.18% 19 0.04%
21 17795 0.91% 14084 0.77% 833155 2.67% 238 0.51%
22 14136 0.72% 14136 0.77% 78328 0.25% 1 0.00%
23 14136 0.72% 14136 0.77% 78328 0.25% 1 0.00%
24 14136 0.72% 14136 0.77% 78328 0.25% 1 0.00%
25 14136 0.72% 14136 0.77% 78328 0.25% 1 0.00%
26 14135 0.72% 14135 0.77% 78322 0.25% 1 0.00%
27 13463 0.69% 12381 0.68% 846423 2.71% 281 0.61%
28 12087 0.62% 11635 0.64% 966538 3.09% 89 0.19%
29 8435 0.43% 7942 0.44% 73774 0.24% 21 0.05%
30 8250 0.42% 7752 0.42% 59141 0.19% 29 0.06%

Top 10 of 27850 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 177529 9.05% 157907 8.65% 9484314 30.35% 335 0.72%
2 64357 3.28% 52839 2.89% 3690152 11.81% 105 0.23%
3 32542 1.66% 25436 1.39% 1772149 5.67% 264 0.57%
4 40861 2.08% 28238 1.55% 1351034 4.32% 421 0.91%
5 12087 0.62% 11635 0.64% 966538 3.09% 89 0.19%
6 13463 0.69% 12381 0.68% 846423 2.71% 281 0.61%
7 17795 0.91% 14084 0.77% 833155 2.67% 238 0.51%
8 92965 4.74% 87507 4.79% 516507 1.65% 85 0.18%
9 7445 0.38% 7444 0.41% 420427 1.35% 771 1.67%
10 93087 4.74% 91919 5.04% 348989 1.12% 134 0.29%

Top 30 of 6344 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 1119996 57.08% - (Direct Request)
2 165950 8.46%
3 69178 3.53%
4 33802 1.72%
5 33523 1.71%
6 23813 1.21%
7 18019 0.92%
8 17830 0.91%
9 14136 0.72%
10 14136 0.72%
11 14136 0.72%
12 14136 0.72%
13 14135 0.72%
14 13172 0.67%
15 13078 0.67%
16 10407 0.53%
17 9687 0.49%
18 8760 0.45%
19 7780 0.40%
20 7140 0.36%
21 6613 0.34%
22 5930 0.30%
23 5779 0.29%
24 5186 0.26%
25 5066 0.26%
26 4798 0.24%
27 4770 0.24%
28 4672 0.24%
29 3989 0.20%
30 3800 0.19%

Top 20 of 2475 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 58 1.41% round robin scheduling
2 38 0.92% priority scheduling
3 35 0.85% fcfs scheduling
4 32 0.78%
5 32 0.78% process control block
6 27 0.66% address binding
7 26 0.63%
8 23 0.56% file operations
9 23 0.56% shortest job first scheduling
10 21 0.51% round robin scheduling example
11 19 0.46% free space management
12 18 0.44%
13 16 0.39% computer system operation
14 16 0.39% first come first serve scheduling
15 16 0.39% shortest job first
16 15 0.36% deadlock detection and recovery
17 15 0.36% process termination
18 14 0.34% fcfs algorithm
19 14 0.34%
20 14 0.34% process creation

Top 1 of 1 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 5 0.00% 2 0.00% cankaya

Top 15 of 5249 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 707498 36.06% Googlebot-Image/1.0
2 134420 6.85% Apache (internal dummy connection)
3 92826 4.73% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:24.0) Gecko/20140319 Firefox/24.0 Iceweasel/24.4.0
4 80862 4.12% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:20.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0
5 77677 3.96% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +
6 70679 3.60% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Media Center PC 4.0)
7 55026 2.80% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.153 Safari/537.36
8 49214 2.51% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexImages/3.0; +
9 34986 1.78% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.153 Safari/537.36
10 28186 1.44% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
11 25160 1.28% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.125 Safari/537.36
12 18392 0.94% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1700.76 Safari/537.36
13 17888 0.91% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1985.125 Safari/537.36
14 17059 0.87% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.153 Safari/537.36
15 16451 0.84% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.153 Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for July 2014

Top 2 of 2 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 1672782 85.25% 1593778 87.31% 16513022 52.85% Unresolved/Unknown
2 289456 14.75% 244582 13.40% 14734973 47.15% Turkey

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23